王祺, 刘智颖, 贾文涛, 黄蕴涵, 贺文俊. 人眼海丁格尔刷效应的偏振感知建模与分析(特邀)[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(1): 20210927. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20210927
引用本文: 王祺, 刘智颖, 贾文涛, 黄蕴涵, 贺文俊. 人眼海丁格尔刷效应的偏振感知建模与分析(特邀)[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(1): 20210927. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20210927
Wang Qi, Liu Zhiying, Jia Wentao, Huang Yunhan, He Wenjun. Modeling and analysis of Haidinger’s brushes polarization perception in human eyes (Invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2022, 51(1): 20210927. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20210927
Citation: Wang Qi, Liu Zhiying, Jia Wentao, Huang Yunhan, He Wenjun. Modeling and analysis of Haidinger’s brushes polarization perception in human eyes (Invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2022, 51(1): 20210927. DOI: 10.3788/IRLA20210927


Modeling and analysis of Haidinger’s brushes polarization perception in human eyes (Invited)

  • 摘要: 海丁格尔刷效应是一种人眼对线偏振光进行感知的内视效应,可用于判断人眼黄斑疾病的病变情况。针对现有海丁格尔刷效应图像存在难以精确仿真和分析的问题,通过三维琼斯矩阵和矢量对人眼的偏振感知效应进行计算,建立了一种人眼偏振感知模型,对理想、近/远视和散射等形式的人眼进行了偏振像差分析。结果表明:在人眼内介质均匀的情况下,人眼光瞳上正入射的460 nm波长线偏振光因晶状体−5D,+5D屈光度差异所产生的二向衰减小于1%。基于所建立的人眼偏振感知模型,利用入射偏振光的三维琼斯矢量对人眼光瞳上不同入射光场和屈光度的海丁格尔刷效应强度图像进行仿真计算,为海丁格尔刷效应的研究提供有效理论依据,扩大海丁格尔刷效应在人眼黄斑病变检测中的应用。


    Abstract: Haidinger’s brushes is a kind of inward vision phenomenon that human eyes perceive linearly polarized light, which can be used in the detection of macular disease. It was difficule to simulate and analyze accurately for Haidinger's brushes images, that the polarization perception of human eyes was calculated based on the three-dimensional (3-D) Jones matrix and vector to establish a polarization perception model of human eyes. The polarization aberration of ideal, myopic, hyperopic and astigmatic eyes was analyzed by using the 3-D Jones polarization perception model. The results show that the diattenuation of normal incident linearly polarized light at 460 nm caused by the diopter difference of −5D, +5D is less than 1% when the medium in human eye is uniform. Based on the established 3-D Jones polarization perception model of human eyes, the 3-D Jones vector of incident linearly polarized light is used to simulate the Haidinger’s brushes images of different incident light fields and human eye diopters. The objective is to provide effective theoretical basis for the study of Haidinger’s brushes and expand the application of Haidinger’s brushes in the detection of human macular disease.


