
Dual-wavelength and dual-polarization wavefront manipulation based on dielectric metasurfaces

  • 摘要: 随着微纳加工技术的发展,超表面在亚波长尺度对电磁波的多维度调控展现出传统光学器件难以比拟的优势。基于电介质硅纳米柱结构构建了具有双频带响应的超表面,利用微结构对不同偏振入射光反射系数的差异,通过构建梯度几何相位实现了双波长下的异常反射;同时设计了超表面灰度成像阵列,在近红外波段实现了对正交偏振态和双波长入射具有不同响应的正负灰度图像。文中提出的超表面设计为基于超表面的多功能集成技术的发展奠定了基础。


    Abstract: With the development of nano fabrication technology, metasurfaces have shown unprecedented advantages over traditional optical designs in controlling electromagnetic waves at subwavelength scale. A dual-wavelength metasurface operating in two orthogonal polarization states based on the dielectric silicon nanopillars was proposed. The metasurface could realize anomalous reflective wavefront manipulation via the geometric phase gradient resulting from the reflection anisotropy for different incident polarizations. The proposed design also achieved positive and negative grayscale imaging arrays for dual-polarization and dual-wavelength incidence. This approach paves the way for integrated multifunctional photonic technologies based on metasurfaces.


