
Output of coherent combining of fiber laser in Michelson cavity

  • 摘要: 基于自组织相干合成原理,利用迈克耳逊腔开展了光纤激光阵列相干合成的原理实验研究,实现了掺Yb3+双包层光纤激光阵列的相位锁定。根据其原理,合理解释了相应的物理现象以及迈克尔逊腔相比于其他腔型的优势。重点理论模拟并实验验证了准直透镜设计、耦合输出镜反射率、两路泵浦功率平衡等关键因素对迈克尔逊腔相干激光输出功率的影响,为优化迈克尔逊腔、提高最终输出功率、抑制相干相消端的功率泄漏在一定程度上提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: Based on the principle of self-organization, coherent combining of two fiber lasers in Michelson cavity was demonstrated experimentally. According to this principle, the corresponding physical phenomena and advantages of Michelson cavity were reasonably explained. Some key factors affecting output powers in Michelson cavity, such as design of collimating lens, reflectivity of output coupler, and the balance of two pump power, were discussed both in theory and experiment. It provides a theoretical basis for optimization of Michelson cavity, improvement of the final output power and suppression of the power leakage in destructive channel.


