Coupling of scattering light in space into single mode optical fiber
摘要: 空间散射光到光纤的耦合在许多领域都得到广泛的应用。然而,当被测物体较大时,如何有效地将空间散射光有效地耦合到光纤的研究还较少。耦合效率和接收视场是空间散射光耦合到光纤接收装置的两个重要的特性参数。文中通过理论分析和软件仿真,分析了在径向移动、轴线移动和不同入射角的情况下,改写耦合效率的变换,比较了在满足一定的耦合效率时,光纤接收装置的几种透镜耦合方式接收视场的大小。最后,通过实验对仿真内容进行了验证。Abstract: Coupling of scattering light in space into fiber has also been used widely in many fields. However, when the scattering objects is big, how to coupling of scattering light in space into fiber efficiently is seldom studied. Considering that coupling efficiency and the field of view are important parameters of a fiber optic based receiver, the coupling efficiency with different axial and racial offsetting or different input angles was analyzed, then the coupling efficiency and field of view of the fiber optic receiver was compared by theoretical analysis and emulation.