
Discussion of key problems in space based laser centimeter orbital debris removal

  • 摘要: 利用激光方式清除低轨大量的厘米级空间碎片已经成为国际上的研究热点。激光清除空间碎片是巧妙地利用了碎片在激光辐照下的冲量耦合特性和冲量作用下的减速降轨特性。围绕着冲量耦合和减速降轨特性,讨论了激光辐照下空间碎片等离子体羽流喷射、激光辐照空间碎片冲量耦合效应测试、天基平台激光辐照下空间碎片轨道预测以及用于碎片清除的天基平台激光器参数设计四个关键问题,分析了涉及的技术难点,可采用的研究方法,以及能够实现的技术水平。通过对关键技术问题的探讨,为进一步开展天基激光清除碎片技术工程化奠定基础。


    Abstract: Using the way of laser in centimeter scale space debris removal has been the hot research topic around world.The characteristics of impulse coupling and reducing the speed and de-orbit with space debris induced by laser irradiation are utilized in their removal.According to the two characteristics,four key problems,that were space debris plasma plume induced by laser ablation,measurement of space debris impulse by laser ablation,space debris orbit estimating and laser parameters in space debris removal,were discussed in detail.The concerned technology difficulties,the adopting research methods and the realized ability level were analyzed.Based on the above discussion,it can provide solid basis for its future project realization.


