Effects of divergence angle on deposition of neutral atoms
摘要: 利用激光驻波场操纵中性原子沉积纳米光栅结构是一种新颖的制备纳米计量标准技术,但采用传统的一维和二维方式对激光驻波场操纵中性原子沉积过程的分析缺乏纳米光栅的全貌信息,而采用三维分析方法则能给出纳米光栅的三维全貌信息,对结果的分析越精确。针对此,基于采用三维分析方法建立了激光驻波场与中性原子作用的模型,通过三维分析实现了不同原子束发散角条件下中性原子运动轨迹及沉积结果的三维仿真,结果显示当中性原子束发散角小于0.6 mrad时,所获得的纳米光栅的沉积质量较好,而超过0.6 mrad后所沉积的纳米光栅将会出现分裂现象。Abstract: Using neutral chromium atoms for the fabrication of nanometer-scale ordered structures is a new method of generating nanostructures on a substrate. But all the information of nano-gratings deposited by laser standing wave field can not be given only through one-dimensional or two-dimensional analysis. Three-dimensional analysis of the effects of atomic beam divergence angle on the process of fabricating nano-grating was discussed based on the three-dimensional motion model of Cr atoms in Gaussian standing wave laser field. The study shows that the preparation of a high-collimated and transversely cooled atomic beam, typically under 0.6 mrad, is essential to minimize the severely disadvantageous effects for deposition of atoms in laser standing wave.