
Real-time battlefield smoke IR simulation based on physical model

  • 摘要: 烟幕、灰尘、云、火焰等不规则物体的实时红外仿真技术是战场环境红外图像实时生成的关键技术和难点之一。以烟幕红外仿真为例,首先基于Navier-Stokes方程对烟幕的外形进行了建模,给出了其初始化和边界处理方法;然后基于灰体辐射模型和光线投射算法考虑了烟幕自身辐射和太阳光照射两种因素对烟幕的红外辐射特性进行了建模;最后,利用CUDA并行计算工具对基于物理模型的烟幕红外仿真进行了实现,成功地将红外烟幕嵌入到基于Vega的红外场景中,并对利用Vega粒子系统产生的红外烟幕和基于物理模型的红外烟幕的效果进行了对比。仿真结果表明,基于物理模型的烟幕红外仿真满足实时性需求,且具有真实感强,可控性好的优点。


    Abstract: The IR simulation technology of irregular objects, such as smoke, dust, cloud, flame and so on, is one of the key technologies and difficulties of real-time IR image generation. Take the IR simulation of smoke for example, first, the shape of the smoke was modeled based on the Navier-Stokes equation, the method of initialization and boundary processing was also provided. Then, the infrared model of the smoke which take into account the smoke's own radiation and the sun's radiation was built based on the gray body radiation model and the light projection algorithm. Last, the smoke IR simulation based on the physical model was implemented using the CUDA parallel computing tool, and the IR smoke was successfully embedded into the IR scene based on Vega, also, the effects of the IR smoke based on the physical model and the Vega particle system were contrasted. The results indicate that the smoke IR simulation based on the physical model can meet the requirements of real-time, and has the advantages of strong sense of reality and good controllability.


