
Design of three-lens athermalized and cooled midwave infrared objective

  • 摘要: 为了满足多种复杂环境的使用需求,红外光学系统需要适应较大的工作温度范围。介绍了一种三分离式消色差消热差制冷型中红外物镜的设计方法。改进了三分离式结构物镜的孔径光阑位置,使物镜实现100%冷光阑效率,同时将这种结构与消热差模型相结合,推导出三分离式消热差物镜的初始光焦度分配关系,并给出透镜材料的组合原则。利用该方法设计了工作波段为3~5 m,焦距为88 mm,相对孔径为1:2的红外物镜,各视场弥散斑半径均小于5 m,调制传递函数MTF达到0.75@17 lp/mm,获得了很好的成像质量。该物镜在-20℃~+70℃温度范围内保持焦距、像面和像质很好的稳定,验证了三分离式消热差光学系统的设计方法。


    Abstract: Infrared optical systems usually work at a large temperature range due to complex environment. Method of designing three-lens athermalized infrared objective has been introduced. The location of three-lens objective stop was changed to achieve 100% cold stop efficiency. This structure was combined with athermalization model to deduce distribution of the initial focal power. Method of lens materials selection was also given. An example of infrared objective with a 88 mm focal length was designed by this principle. Its wavelength range is 3-5 m and F number is 2.0. The objective has a perfect image quality. The RMS spot diameter is less than 5 m, while the MTF reach 0.75@17 lp/mm. The focal length, focal plane and image quality keep steady at temperature range from -20℃ to +70℃ which shows the feasibility of the design method.


