
Measurement and error analysis of low temperature deformation of infrared focal plane arrays

  • 摘要: 在研制制冷型红外探测器组件的过程中,降低功能模块的热应力是设计及制造的核心目标之一,这要求首先能够对焦平面模块的热应力进行测量表征,工程上一般通过形变等间接量来表征碲镉汞的热应力。基于此研究了激光干涉法测量制冷型红外焦平面探测器的表面形变并对其误差进行了分析,该方法克服了常规的台阶仪测量方法所固有的温度控制不够理想、测试过程中样品表面有结霜等困难,它利用相干光在标准镜上干涉形成的干涉图样来反映样品表面的形变。试验表明:该方法可以进行实时变温的表面形变测量,为制冷型红外焦平面组件的封装设计提供可靠的形变测试数据,实现了焦平面模块在封装杜瓦内的表面形变的低温在线测量。


    Abstract: Reducing the thermal stress of the functional module is one of the key goals in the process of design and fabrication of focal plane assembly. As a result the characterization and measurement of the deformation of the module at low temperature is required. Generally the thermal stress is characterized by indirect parameters such as the deformation in engineering. Based on this, a measurement method including its error analysis of laser interference used to acquire the deformation of the cooled infrared detector was discussed. This method overcomes the difficulty of temperature control and frosting inherent in the other method. It uses the interference pattern produced in the surface of the standard mirror by interference of coherent light to characterize the deformation of the sample. Tests show that this method can realize the measurement of deformation of real-time temperature changes. As a result an in situ measurement of the deformation of the FPA module packaged in the dewar is realized.


