
Frequency characteristic test for the plant of rotator servo system

  • 摘要: 为了提高转台伺服系统的响应速度,降低系统响应时间,采取的方法是辨识系统开环结构响应,并结合系统结构动态性能指标,对转台控制系统进行设计,达到改善提高系统性能的目的。文中提出了一种模型辨识的新方法,通过正弦扫频信号激励转台被控对象速度开环系统的动态特性,实时采集编码器位置反馈信息,通过对系统每一频率点的动态频率特性分析,辨识系统传递函数。文中首先分析了该测试方法的测试原理,以及正弦扫频激励信号的产生,并最终通过搭建实验平台,选用单片机C8051F120与CPLD配合设计的控制器,输出脉宽调制信号,经驱动器驱动方位转台进行方法测试,完成系统频率响应测试以及被控对象传递函数辨识,验证了该方法的可行性。


    Abstract: In order to improve response and decrease the settling time, the structure response of the open loop system will be identified. According to the requirements of the structural dynamics performance of the control system, the design of the rotator control system is significant to improve the system performance. In this paper, a new method was proposed for the system model identification, the sin sweep signal was applied at the input of the open rate loop to excite the plant dynamic, the real time position feedback signal of the rotator was measured at the encoder, each frequency component of the rotator dynamics was analyzed to identify and obtain a meaningful transfer function, and in this article, the theory of the method was analyzed first, and the time series input is a sinusoidal sweep signal. The test of the system frequency response and the transfer function identification were realized through the testing experiment platform using this new method, the experiment chooses a controller designed by C8051F120 and CPLD, the output signal drives the rotator through the driver to verify this approach, and proving its feasibility.


