
Calculation method of the pod laser indication precision

  • 摘要: 针对吊舱激光指示精度外场测试与数据计算的问题,提出了一种基于瞄准轴坐标系的激光指示偏差角正弦算法。在激光指示偏差角正弦算法基础上,构建了激光指示精度测试误差模型,估算了各误差源对总误差的影响因子。计算结果表明,当指示偏差角很小时,正弦算法的误差低于余弦算法误差约三个数量级;激光光斑位置测量误差是最大误差源,提高激光光斑位置测量精度是减小激光指示精度测试误差的最佳途径。此外,在同样测量条件下,正弦算法显著减小了吊舱激光指示精度的计算误差约2~3个数量级(具体量化数值),也为激光光斑测量系统的指标论证提供了依据。


    Abstract: Regarding outfield test and calculation of the pod laser indication precision, a sine algorithm computing the deviation angle of the laser indication based on the sighting axis coordinate system was advanced in this paper. The least-square fitting of orthogonal polynomial was adopted for this algorithm to capture the pod track as well as estimating the measurement precision of the pod coordinate. Further, an error model of the laser indication precision was established and an impact factor of the error source was also calculated according to the analysis of the test error source. It indicates that the error of the sine algorithm is three digit classes lower than the cosine algorithm under a small deviation angle, and it is the best way to reduce the testing error of the laser indication precision by improving the position measurement precision of the laser spot. In addition, this algorithm reduces obviously the calculating error of the pod laser by around 2-3 digit classes, and provides an evidence for the performance demonstration of the measuring system of the laser spot.


