Phase modulation property of metasurfaces based on chiral field interaction and its applications
摘要: 超颖表面是近些年刚发展起来的一个有着重要应用潜力的新兴前沿领域。文中在对超颖表面研究现状的分析基础上,提出并研究一种基于棒形纳米天线阵列的超颖表面,在手性圆偏振光场作用下产生无色散的表面相位突变,从而对出射光波前相位进行调控,并在此基础上研究若干新颖功能应用,包括依赖于手性的广义折/反射定律,双极性可控平板透镜,宽带涡旋光束生成,手性选择性表面等离激元定向激发,三维纳米全息等。Abstract: Metasurfaces have been one of the quickly developed cutting edge research fields with potential important applications. In this paper, our previous research achievements of Pancharatnam-Berry type metasurfaces composed of nanorods were introduced, whose phase modulation presents interesting features. Such metasurface is capable of generating dispersion-less interfactial phase discontinuities and controlling the light propagation. Several functional applications were proposed and demonstrated, including anomalous refraction, dual-polarity metalens, broadband vortex beam generator, helicity-dependent surface plasmon polariton unidirectional excitation and three-dimensional metasurface holography.