风起于青萍之末 浪成于微澜之间——漫谈30年科研:激光谐振仪器体系的建立

The wind rises at the duckweed tips, the wave ripples between water gratings——Rambling of system establishing of lasers resonance instruments

  • 摘要: 科学方法研究是比获得成果更基础的工作,此文是一篇总结作者30多年科学研究路径和概括研究成果相兼的论文。作者从几个基本的激光物理问题出发,通过改变激光器谐振腔的结构,在腔内/外增加元器件,逐步发现了两镜激光器、三镜激光器腔调谐中的诸多物理规律,并据此研制成多种激光精密测量仪器。概括了整个研究过程中作者科学研究的基本理念,简述了作者研究激光中发现的物理现象,总结了建立的激光谐振仪器的科学体系。


    Abstract: The scientific method research is more basic than to get results. This article was a summary of the author's 30 years of scientific research path and the research results. The researches began from some fundamental problems of laser principle, and the laser resonator structure was changed by inducing special optical elements intro/extra cavity. Then various physical phenomena were found with tuning resonator of the two mirrors laser and the three mirrors laser. And we had developed several kinds of precision measuring instruments based on the newly designed laser itself. In this paper, the basic idea of the author's scientific research was summarized, and the physical phenomena found in the laser were introduced briefly, and the scientific system of the laser resonance instruments was established.


