
Thermal adapter of HgCdTe large plane arrays detector based on carbon fiber with high heat conductivity used in infrared space camera

  • 摘要: HgCdTe面阵探测器是空间红外遥感相机的关键部件,随着性能需求的不断提高,器件的规模尺寸不断扩大。HgCdTe面阵探测器在常温下与承载板进行装配,但在深冷状态下工作,需要耐受200 K左右的温度波动。由于探测器与承载板的线膨胀系数不匹配,温度波动会引起探测器翘曲变形,变形严重时,将导致探测器损伤。提出基于高导热碳纤维的HgCdTe大面阵探测器热适配结构,以碳纤维的轴向高热导率降低结构热阻,以碳纤维的极小抗弯截面模量实现热适配结构两端面间的刚度解耦。相对于探测器与承载板直粘,引入基于高导热碳纤维的热适配结构后,探测器与承载板间的热阻仅增加了约1%,而探测器热失配翘曲变形衰减了99.9%,解决了大面阵探测器与承载板间的热失配翘曲变形损伤问题。并对基于碳纤维的热适配结构制备工艺方案进行了简单介绍。


    Abstract: HgCdTe plane array detector is a key component in infrared space camera. The scale of detector is enlarging continuously due to the unending requirements of better performance. HgCdTe plane array detector needs to be mounted on loading board in room temperature, and it needs to work at deep cooling environment, temperature fluctuation at about 200 K should be endured. Temperature fluctuation leads to warping deformation of detector due to mismatch of CTE between detector and loading board, and large warping deformation results in damage in detector. Then thermal adapter of HgCdTe focal plane arrays based on carbon fiber with high heat conductivity was proposed. High axial heat conductivity of carbon fiber was adopted to reduce thermal resistance of adapter, and minimal section bending modulus of carbon fiber was adopted to decouple the stiffness between two end faces of thermal adapter. Compared with direct bonding assembly between detector and loading board, after the adoption of thermal adapter based on carbon fiber with high heat conductivity, thermal resistance between detector and loading board was increased by merely about 1 percent, but warping deformation of detector due to mismatch of CTE was reduced by more than 99.9 percent. Problem of damage on large scale detector due to mismatch of CTE was resolved. Manufacture process of thermal adapter based on carbon fiber was briefly introduced.


