
Study on active support for large SiC primary mirror and force actualtor design

  • 摘要: 大口径轻量化SiC主镜是一种新型主镜,之前没有成功的支撑案例作为参考。通过对各类大口径主镜的主动支撑技术的优劣进行分析,确定利用液压并联力促动器的支撑方式对SiC轻量化主镜进行支撑,并利用自由谐振模式定标方法研究了某4 m SiC主镜的校正力需求,计算发现该主镜对力促动器的校正力分辨率要求为0.1 N。针对这一需求,详细分析了影响机械式力促动器精度的主要因素,并进行了相应的设计,采用步进电机作为动力源,通过大减速比减速器驱动滚珠丝杠输出微米级微位移,并利用复合弹簧系统将位移转化为作用力,最终设计并加工出一款高精度力促动器,并对促动器进行了测试,发现该促动器的输出力范围-400~400 N,位移分辨率0.96 m,力分辨率0.05 N,可以满足主动支撑对力促动器的需求。


    Abstract: Large SiC mirror is a new kind of primary mirror. There is no success support example for study. In order to support SiC larger mirror, the merits and drawbacks of different active supports methods were analyzed. Finally the hydraulic system parallel connection with force actuator ways was chosen. The free harmonic oscillation model scaling method was used to study the active correction force of some 4 m SiC mirror. It was found that the smallest correction force is 0.1 N. To design a force actuator with such a small force resolution, the method of how to design high precision actuator was studied. Main factors that affect the precision of force actuator were discussed. The force actuator was designed with a step motor/harmonic drive combination to drive lead screw/floating nut to produce small displacement. A complex spring system was used to transform the stroke of the screw into a force. The force actuator was produced and tested. It was found that force output range is -400 N-400 N, the displacement resolution is 0.96 m and the force resolution is 0.05 N. These test results suggested that this force actuator can satisfied the need.


