
Polymer packaged longitudinal microstructured fiber based distributed pressure sensing system

  • 摘要: 提出了一种基于纵向微结构光纤的分布式压力传感方案,该方案同时采用波长编码与频率编码技术,实现了单根光纤上的准分布式压力测量,具有实现大容量复用、高空间分辨率和高精度测量的潜力。采用硫化硅橡胶聚合物材料对光纤进行封装,使纵向微结构光纤的压力灵敏度提升至1.03210-3相对波长变化/MPa,是裸光纤光栅压力灵敏度的500多倍。构建了包含6个光纤微结构的单纤传感系统,并进行了分布式压力测试实验,实验结果显示出很好的线性度和较高的测量精度。该传感方案具有长距离、高分辨率测压(HRM)的潜力,可广泛运用于土木结构健康监测、管道泄漏监控、人体体内压力分布式传感等工程领域中。


    Abstract: A longitudinal microstructured fiber based sensing scheme was proposed, the sensing capacity of which was greatly expanded by using frequency and wavelength encode simultaneously. Quasi-distributed pressure measurement along a single fiber was achieved, showing potential of high capacity multiplexing, high spatial resolution and high accurate detection. The silicone rubber package of sensing fiber made the pressure sensitivity increased to 1.03210-3 relative wavelength shift/MPa, which is 500 times higher than bare FBG. Experimental results of the prototype system including 6 fiber microstructures exhibited good linearity and relatively high measurement accuracy. High Resolution Manometry(HRM) in long distance based on this scheme is promising, which can be widely used in civil structural health monitoring, pipeline leakage detecting and distributed pressure sensing for in-vivo.


