
Design of hyper-field zoom bionic eye optical system

  • 摘要: 提出了一种新的基于仿生鱼眼镜头模型的超大视场变焦仿生眼光学系统。该仿生眼应用可调光焦度器件能使光学系统更紧凑和不需要移动。鉴于鱼眼系统可以简化成反远物镜的原理,利用矩阵理论和变焦准则,研究了基于可调光焦度器件鱼眼镜头设计的一阶几何光学理论,得到了鱼眼系统前组和后组的光焦度控制方程;进一步讨论了其光焦度的边界方程;最后提供的仿生变焦鱼眼的视场角最大为164,焦距从5~15 mm变化,成像质量达到系统要求。设计实例为其在智能监控、航天军工、机器人系统等领域的应用提供了有益的探索。


    Abstract: A new hyper-field zoom bionic eye optical system based on the model of bionic fisheye was presented. The variable focal power lens was employed to design the bionic eye with zoom system more compact and no move lens. The fisheye lens is a kind of retro-focus lens system. Fisheye zoom first-order geometric optics theory based on matrix theory and zoom principle were established. The former group and the latter group focusing optical power equation were deduced. Furthermore, the boundary equation of optical power in the zoom system was discussed. Finally, the bionic fisheye field can be acquire to 164. The focal lengths was from 5 mm to 15 mm. The design example can be applied in intelligent control, aerospace industry, robotics systems which provide a useful exploration.


