
Simulation of lidar imaging for space target

  • 摘要: 为了使空间目标激光雷达成像仿真尽量反应实际在轨探测状态,提出了一种适用于复杂空间目标的在轨激光雷达成像仿真流程,并强调了面积法在复杂目标成像可见判断方面的适用性。首先,阐述了空间目标激光雷达成像仿真的理论模型。然后,以空间目标上某一舱段为例,进行在轨激光雷达成像建模与仿真。结果证明:所提出的空间目标激光雷达成像仿真方法对实现空间非合作相对导航算法研究具有重要意义。


    Abstract: In order to make the lidar images of space target indicating its active state in orbit as real as possible, combined with the information of the detector parameters in orbit, a lidar imaging simulation method for complex space target was proposed in this article. A visibility algorithm based on the area method was presented. Firstly, the method which was used to simulate the lidar imaging was explained in detail. Then, the method was used to simulate the lidar imaging of a simple cube cabin. The emulation results show that the method was feasible to simulate the lidar imaging of the space target, which has significance for the researches of target detection, recognition and tracking techniques.


