The adaptive optics(AO) system in which one turbulence layer is corrected has a good compensation performance only over small field of view. The technology of multi-conjugate adaptive optics(MCAO) can overcome the limitation. The elementary structure and working principle of layer oriented multi-conjugate adaptive optics(LOMCAO) system was presented. Simulation method of LOMCAO system was investigated, including how to generate dynamic turbulence wavefront data, wavefront reconstruction algorithm of pyramid wavefront sensor and close-loop modal control procedure of deformable mirror. Simulations for single layer-conjugate and two layer-conjugate AO systems were carried out. The simulation results show that LOMCAO system has better correction performance over a larger field of view than single-conjugate AO system due to the face that much more guide stars are used and two layer turbulence are compensated in LOMCAO system.