
KW fiber laser oscillator based on wavelength locking

  • 摘要: 采用976 nm锁波长激光二极管(LD)双向泵浦掺Yb全光纤激光器,单谐振腔输出1.2 kW近单模激光,总光光转换效率为70.8%,光束质量Mx21.03,My21.55,实验验证在千瓦功率量级内,正、反泵浦相互影响不明显。光纤激光器从阈值电流到最大电流范围内,输出功率随泵浦功率曲线基本线性,在1 kW功率下做8小时稳定性测试,稳定度在2%以下。激光器可在宽温度范围内工作,温度循环试验表明,输出功率随温度变化具有较好的一致性。


    Abstract: A near singl-mode 1.2 kW al-fiber laser oscillator with optica-optical efficiency of 70.8% and beam quality of Mx21.03, My21.55 was reported. The laser is bidirectional pumped by laser diodes with locked wavelength of 976 nm. Therefore, the fiber laser takes on nearly linear output power versus pump power from threshold current to full current, and the instability capacity of output power is less than 2% during 8 h operation. The laser can be operated within wide temperature scope, the excellent temperature uniformity is shown on temperature cycle test.


