32×32面阵InGaAs Gm-APD激光主动成像实验

Experimental research of 32×32 InGaAs Gm-APD arrays laser active imaging

  • 摘要: 近十年来,由于盖革模式APD焦平面探测器在探测灵敏度、空间分辨率和距离分辨率等方面的优势,使得面阵APD激光主动成像技术成为国际上的研究热点。考虑到大气传输特性,InGaAs材料或者HgCdTe材料的面阵APD探测器成为研制首选。在国内自研InGaAs材料的3232像元Gm-APD基础上,搭建了一套1 570 nm激光主动成像实验平台,在成像帧频1 kHz、单脉冲能量2 mJ条件下,获得了外场3.9 km目标的轮廓像,在720 m处能获得目标的清晰表面结构距离像。通过该外场实验,证实了国内自研的面阵Gm-APD探测器性能良好,能够演示外场激光主动成像功能。实验结果表明,1 570 nm面阵APD激光成像雷达成像性能良好,能够实现远距离目标遥感探测,为未来实际应用奠定了良好的研究基础。


    Abstract: In the last ten years, the laser active imaging technology on Geiger-mode focal plane APD has becoming the research hotspot on the international, because of its advantages on the detection sensitive, spatial resolution, and range resolution. Considering the characteristic of atmospheric transmission, the InGaAs or HgCdTe APD arrays has been selected firstly. Based on the InGaAs 3232 APD arrays by domestic developing, the experimental platform of 1 570 nm laser active imaging was established. The target images from 3.9 km were captured on the condition of the frame 1 kHz, pulse energy 2 mJ, and the clear target surface structure range images from 720 m were collected. Through this field experiment, it is proved that the performance of Gm-APD arrays is good, and the platform can demonstrate the function of laser active imaging in the field. The experiments state that 1 570 nm focal plane APD laser radar can provide the well imaging performance, and it can remote sensing detection of the far distance target, laying the good research foundation for the future practical applications.


