
Preliminary analysis of mesospheric summer temperature measurements in Golmud

  • 摘要: 中间层大气温度及时空演变特征对研究青藏高原中高层大气动力、热力学结构具有重要的科学意义。利用大气物理研究所设计建造的MARMOT激光雷达对青藏高原地区中层大气温度进行探测。介绍了MARMOT激光雷达的瑞利测温原理、系统构成及主要功能参数;并利用格尔木夏季大气温度的激光雷达探测资料分析该地区中间层大气温度,并与MSIS-00大气模式和SABER卫星数据进行对比分析,获得了夏季格尔木地区中间层大气温度的初步结果,并对激光雷达的温度数据进行验证。结果表明:MARMOT激光雷达探测温度与MSIS-00模式和SABER卫星结果整体上均具有较好的一致性;在上中间层和低中间层,激光雷达均比MSIS-00模式值、SABER卫星数据偏高;在中中间层,激光雷达与卫星数据均略低于模式值。


    Abstract: The mesospheric thermal structure and temperature variations have an important scientific significance in the research of dynamic and thermal process in the middle atmosphere. The middle atmosphere temperature over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was measured by the Middle Atmosphere Remote Mobile Observatory in Tibet(MARMOT) lidar, which was designed and built by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics(IAP). The measurement principle, the system configuration, and the specifications of the MARMOT lidar were introduced. The middle atmospheric temperatures in summer at Golmud were analyzed using the lidar data, and the initial results of middle atmospheric temperatures were obtained. By comparing with both the MSIS-00 model data and the TIMED/SABER satellite data, the results showed that the MARMOT lidar results have a good consistency with the MSIS-00 model and the TIMED/SABER satellite results in general. In the upper and lower mesosphere, the temperatures retrieved from lidar are higher than the MSIS-00 model results and the TIMED/SABER satellite results. In the mid-mesosphere, the lidar data and the satellite data are slightly lower than model results.


