
Non-visual biological effects of LED light to human pupil under low illumination

  • 摘要: 基于瞳孔收缩分析研究低照度LED光对人的非视觉效应。选择10名受测者、6种彩光LED和5种低照度,进行瞳孔受光反射实验;实验全程用红外视频记录仪拍摄,由基于OpenCV开发的程序完成瞳孔大小的计算。结果显示:在同一照度水平下,蓝光波段光源非视觉效应最为显著,瞳孔稳定收缩率和恢复收缩率随着光源波长向短波方向偏移而增大;在同一光源下,瞳孔稳定收缩率与恢复收缩率随照度加强而增大,并且在10~70 lx间两瞳孔收缩率存在线性相关,相关系数均大于0.95;两瞳孔收缩率分别与生物节律因子存在线性相关,表明用瞳孔收缩率能较好表征非视觉生物效应的大小。


    Abstract: To sdudy the non-visual effect to human based on the analysis of pupil contraction under low illumination LED light, ten subjects were selected to conduct pupillary light reflex test under different conditions of six kinds LED light with different colors, five kinds of low illumination. All these tests were recorded by infrared video recorder and the pupil size was calculated by the program based on OpenCV. The result shows that steady pupil contraction rate and recovery pupil contraction rate will be larger as the migration from long wave to short wave light source under the same illumination. And the non-visual effect of blue light source is the most significant. Also, steady pupil contraction rate and recovery pupil contraction rate will be larger as the illumination increased under the same light source. And there is a linear relationship between these two pupil contraction rates under the illumination of 10-70 lx with the correlation coefficient of more than 0.95. Two pupil contraction rates have a linear relationship between circadian factor, which shows that the pupil contraction rate could well represent the degree of non-visual biological effect.


