Radiation simulation technology for IR capture and tracking device
摘要: 介绍了基于DMD红外动态场景投射器的红外捕获跟踪设备辐射式仿真试验系统。分析了DMD场景投射器成像原理,研究了其与被测系统光学匹配条件及调整方法。分析了DMD场景投射器灰度等级调制原理,研究了其与被测系统信号同步条件及调整方法,并对信号同步过程中可能出现的现象进行了分析。分析了影响DMD场景投射器至被测系统探测器能量传输的主要因素,研究了DMD场景投射器辐射特性定标方法、及与被测系统能量匹配方法。利用所设计的仿真试验系统及试验方法,针对某型红外捕获跟踪设备开展了辐射式仿真实验,对被测系统部分性能指标进行了初步的考核。Abstract: The radiation simulation system for IR acquisition and tracking device were introduced based on the DMD dynamic infrared scene projector. The optical principle of the DMD projector was introduced. The requirements and methods of the optical matching between the DMD projector and system under tested were analyzed. The time modulation of the DMD projector was introduced, and the requirements and methods of the synchronization between the DMD projector and system under tested were analyzed. The factors which influence on the energy transmission between DMD projector and system under tested were analyzed, and the methods of calibration and energy matching between DMD projector and system under tested were analyzed. The experiments were carried out for certain IR acquisition and tracking device using the simulation system, and some performance of the device were simply assessed.