On-board space debris recognition and accurate positioning method
摘要: 提出了一种基于可见光相机与激光测距仪的空间碎片在轨识别与定位方法。空间碎片的相对速度、距离等因素直接影响碎片成像轨迹。为完成帧间匹配,采用与轨迹边缘具有等价二阶中心矩的椭圆描述其特征,并以此制定帧间匹配准则。通过帧间匹配,即可获得图像中碎片的坐标,解算出碎片方位角。当仅有测角信息时,采用位置-速度滤波算法,引导激光测距仪对目标相对距离进行测量;当同时具备测角信息与测距信息时,采用扩展Kalman滤波算法对目标进行滤波定位,并获得高精度的目标运动状态信息。Abstract: A method of detecting and recognizing space debris based on visible light camera and laser range finder was proposed in this paper. The shape of imaging was determined by the relative velocity, and distance of space debris. In order to matching different images, an ellipse that had the same second-order central moment was adopted to describe the edge of image. Based on the features of ellipse, the rules of matching images will be established. By matching different images, the coordinate and azimuth angles can be calculated. If only the azimuth angles were available, the relative position-velocity filter was used for guiding the laser range finder. When the laser range finder worked properly, the extend-Kalman filter was used for getting accurate movement information of the target.