10 kW级单纤泵浦耦合器件设计与实验研究

Design and experiment of 10 kW class monolithic fiber pump coupling device

  • 摘要: 针对制约单纤系统向更高功率输出面临的泵浦光源亮度受限和有源光纤泵浦注入区域温度控制受限的问题,提出一种新型的端面泵浦耦合器件。通过扩大信号光纤的包层直径,有效提升了可注入光纤系统的泵浦功率,同时有效降低了有源光纤端面泵浦注入区域的温度。在实验中获得了9.95 kW的泵浦激光注入,并在单纤系统中实现了6 kW的输出。该器件具备10 kW以上的泵浦耦合能力,具备应用于万瓦级单纤系统的潜力。


    Abstract: The new designed fiber end-pump coupling device was reported to solve the problem in a monolithic fiber system outputting higher level of signal power, which was limited by pump brightness and temperature control of the pump injection area. By enlarging the signal fiber cladding diameter, more pump power could be injected in fiber system and the temperature of the pump injection area was successfully reduced. In experiment, 9.95 kW pump laser was injected to a monolithic fiber laser system, and over 6 kW signal output was realized. This fiber end-pump coupling device is capable of 10 kW class pump injection and promising for the application in a 10 kW class monolithic fiber laser system.


