
Simulation analysis of response characteristics of torsion pendulum by pulse micro-thrust

  • 摘要: 激光烧蚀冲量耦合特性是激光清除空间碎片的基础,高精度的冲量测量方法是研究冲量耦合特性的必须手段。以扭摆系统测量激光烧蚀空间碎片产生的冲量为背景,分析扭摆法测量原理,得到脉冲力作用下的扭摆系统响应方程,为测量系统设计和实验测量研究奠定基础。根据实际激光清除空间碎片过程中,激光以一定的重复频率作用空间碎片为前提,研究多脉冲力作用下的扭摆系统响应特性,得到的结论如下:在脉冲力作用下,系统响应曲线为正弦曲线,振动幅度衰减程度取决于阻尼比大小,曲线震荡幅度大小取决于脉冲力的冲量;当力的作用时间小于周期的1/8时,可认为是瞬间作用;瞬间作用时,尽管脉冲力数目不同,但总力矩相同情况下,扭摆系统响应效果基本一致;通过模型推导,系统模型误差与阻尼比、力的作用时间与系统周期比值有关。


    Abstract: Impulse coupling effect of short pulsed laser ablation the target has great application in the fields of laser orbital debris removal. High precision impulse measurement is the necessary method in studying the impulse coupling effect. Based on the impulse measurement background in laser orbital debris removal, the torsion pendulum method was analyzed, the response equation was obtained in the situation of pulse micro thrust interaction. All these will provide the research basis for the design of measurement system and experimental research. According to the actual circumstance, that was the space debris ablated by a certain frequency laser pulse, the simulation analysis of response characteristics of torsion pendulum was conducted by multi-pulse micro-thrust. The conclusions are as follows:the system response curve is a sine curve and the vibration amplitude attention depends on the damping ratio; the impulse amplitude depends on the pulse force; when the force interaction time is less than the 1/8 of the torsion period, the force can be considered as an instant impulse effect; in this situation, the response effect is almost the same when the total torque is the same, although the number of pulse force is different. The system error is concerned with damping ratio and the ratio of the force time and the torsion period.


