
Study on 640×512 polarimetric LWIR QWIP FPA

  • 摘要: 介绍了大面阵偏振长波量子阱红外焦平面探测器组件的研制进展。在640512规模20 m中心距面阵上,偏振焦平面采用了22子单元设计,子单元中每个像元分别刻蚀0、90、45以及135方向的一维线性光栅,来获得入射光不同偏振角度的信息。突破了长波量子阱材料外延和器件制备等关键技术,制备出面阵探测器芯片,实现了偏振长波红外探测的单片集成,配上杜瓦和制冷机,研制出噪声等效温差优于30 mK的长波偏振640512量子阱探测器组件。


    Abstract: The development of the large format polarimetric LWIR quantum well infrared FPA. The 20 m pitch, 640512 array was divided into 22 unit cells. Each pixel in the unit cell was etched a 1D lamellar grating on it, with four different orientations of 0, 90, 45 and 135, to get the polarimetric information of the incidence irradiation. Based on the QWIP FPA key technologies such as quantum well material epitaxy and chip preparation, the single-chip integration with LWIR and the polarization detection function was realized on the QWIP FPA. The 640512 polarimetric LWIR QWIP FPA assembly with noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) better than 30 mK was obtained with the integration the FPA chip with the Dewar and the sterling cooler.


