
Optimization layout of lighting for VLC system in special vehicle

  • 摘要: 针对特种车内空间狭小、光源布局受限这一问题,对光照度及接收光功率进行了理论分析,对光源阵列位置下光照度及光功率的直射和一次反射的分布模型进行了分析与仿真。在光照度需求的约束条件下,根据光功率分布均匀原则提出了特种车辆内部由5个阵列光源形成中心补偿形布局的优化方案。仿真结果表明,在2 m2 m1.5 m的狭小空间内,运用该光源布局方案可得到平均接收光功率值为-0.5 dBm时的光照度范围为333.74~466.44 lx,均匀光照率为79.5%,可同时满足车内照度与数据通信需求。


    Abstract: Due to the special vehicle's narrow space, lighting layout is limited and the difficulty is increased. Based on the theoretical analysis of illumination and received optical power, both the direct and the first reflection models of illumination and received optical power were developed. In illumination demand constraint conditions, an optimal scheme of rectangular lighting layout for narrow vehicle space was proposed based on optical power evenly distribution principle. Simulation experiments proved that the optimizing rectangular layout scheme is valid as follows:the average received optical power was obtained about -0.5 dBm and the illumination range was 333.74-466.44 lx in 2 m2 m1.5 m space size, uniform illumination rate was 79.5%, which meet the international illumination standards and the actual data communication in a special vehicle.


