
Analysis of noise for infrared focal plane array in low temperature background

  • 摘要: 对红外探测器在低温背景下的噪声模型及特性进行了分析与实验研究。利用探测器噪声四参数法计算模型与方法;搭建实验平台对红外探测器在不同低温背景温度下的性能进行测试,得到红外探测器的低频时间噪声,高频时间噪声,低频空间噪声各自与温度、积分时间的关系。实验表明:在一定温度区间内,低频时间噪声表现出较强的温度相关性,低频空间噪声表现出较明显非线性响应特性,高频空间噪声表现出积分时间相关性。


    Abstract: The noise model and characteristics of the infrared detector in low temperature background were analyzed and experimentally researched. Detector noise calculation model and method of four parameters method were used in this paper. The experimental platform was set up for test the performance of the infrared detector under different low temperature. Results of the relationship of the low-frequency temporal noise, high frequency temporal noise, low frequency spatial noise, high frequency spatial noise respectively with temperature and integration time were obtained. Within a certain temperature range, experiments prove that low frequency temporal noise shows a strong correlation with temperature, low frequency spatial noise exhibited obvious nonlinear response of detector, high frequency noise is dependent on integration time significantly.


