In-orbital spacecraft has been in great danger because of centimeter space debris. Nowadays a research topic that high energy laser irradiates orbital debris to make it into the atmosphere burned down has been more and more hot. In order to take care of centimeter space debris near space station, a space-based system with high energy laser had been appeared, with a method of calculation of multiple pulses laser orbital-dropping. The simulation result shows that the possibility of removing space debris with space-based laser is that space debris is in a certain condition named cleaning window. The selection of cleaning window is the key of orbital-dropping of debris. Under the existing conditions, such as laser power and platform parameters, multiple pulse laser orbital-dropping of debris is feasible. The result of multiple pulses laser orbital-dropping shows that debris orbital parameters have a big change in eccentricity and a small change in inclination, causing a big range in perigee and a small range in apogee. After insuring range of orbital-dropping, the result of single pulse velocity increment is nearly close of multiple pulses. Because the orbital-dropping has a great difference, there cannot be calculated of orbital-dropping by a single pulse to approximate multiple pulses. Based on above discussion, the modeling and simulation of detection and removing centimeter space debris with space-based laser system can be finished.