
Development of beam combining of high power high brightness diode lasers

  • 摘要: 半导体激光器体积小、效率高,但单元输出功率低、光束质量差限制了其应用。介绍了提升半导体激光器功率及光束质量的最新进展,对各种技术途径和实验结果进行了综述报道,并具体介绍了中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所近年来在高亮度半导体激光器芯片及合束方面取得的进展。


    Abstract: Diode lasers have advantages of high efficiency and compact structure. The low power and poor beam quality of diode lasers limits its application fields. The new developments of diode lasers in power and beam quality were introduced. The new combining techniques and the experimental results of diode lasers were summarized. The high brightness diode laser achievements acquired by CIOMP were also presented.


