
  • 摘要: 针对高能物理、核物理等国家大科学装置对核心探测器件的需求,研究不同于金属打拿极型倍增系统的大尺寸微通道板型光电倍增管。该光电倍增管最主要的特点是具有20 in(1 in=2.54 cm)的低本底玻壳和微通道板型倍增极结构,使用Sb-K-Cs阴极作为光电转换阴极,该阴极对350~450 nm波段光子的量子效率高,倍增极采用两片微通道板,在电压比较低的情况下可实现107的倍增能力,从而提高了光电倍增管的探测效率和单光子探测能力。与传统的金属打拿极型光电倍增管相比,20 in微通道板型光电倍增管是一种全新的产品结构,具有单光子峰谷比高、本底低、响应时间快、后脉冲比例小等特点。


    Abstract: According to the requirement of detector in high energy physics and nuclear physics national scientific equipment, the large-area micro-channel plate photomultiplier(MCP-PMT) different from dynode PMT was researched. The large-area MCP-PMT had low-background glass and microchannel plate multiplier. Using Sb-K-Cs as photocathode, MCP-PMT enjoyed very high quantum efficiency at 350-450 nm. With double MCPs as electron amplifier, the gain could reach 107. The detection efficiency and single photon detection of large-area PMT was improved. Compared with conventional dynode PMT, this MCP-PMT is a completely new design in structure and has better ratio of spectrum peak to valley, high gain, better anode uniformity, fast response time in single photoelectron detection.


