
Star tracker accuracy analysis of PuJiang Satellite-1 in orbit

  • 摘要: 针对星敏感器在轨运行时的精度评估问题,提出了采用历元差法、滑动窗口法和光轴夹角法综合分析的方法,分别用于评估星敏感器测量噪声,测量总误差,并基于浦江一号卫星提供的星敏感器不同类型的在轨数据进行分析计算。在轨测试结果表明:星敏感器光轴指向精度达到15(3),满足卫星控制系统要求,其三轴稳定度达到0。01。该方法可用于星敏感器在轨测量精度评估,也可用于星敏感器地面观星精度评估。


    Abstract: For the evaluation of star tracker accuracy on board, a method was proposed using differenced quaternion, sliding window and optical axis included angle to analyse noise equivalent angle, total error of star trackers respectively, based on several kinds of data download from PuJiang Satellite-1 on board. The on board test result shows the optical axis direction accuracy of the star tracker reached 15(3),meeting the requirement of AOCS,and the three-axis stability reached 0.01. The method can be used for star tracker accuracy evaluation on board or real sky experiment on ground.


