
Extinction characteristic of terahertz wave by carbon smoke materials

  • 摘要: 为获得太赫兹波对碳类烟幕的穿透特性,采用压片法分别将不同比例混合的石墨粉和KBr、碳黑粉和KBr进行压片,利用太赫兹时域光谱仪在0.2~1.1 THz频率范围内测试压片样品的太赫兹透射光谱,进而获得样品在该频率范围内的吸收系数。研究发现:随着频率的增大,样品的吸收系数均逐渐增大,且在同一频率处,其均随碳类粉末掺杂比例的增加而增大;与石墨相比,相同掺杂比例的碳黑样品具有更大的吸收系数。结果表明,太赫兹波具有较强的穿透石墨烟幕的能力,但其对碳黑烟幕的穿透能力较弱,利用碳黑有望进行太赫兹波段烟幕的研制。


    Abstract: In order to acquire extinction characteristics of smokes for terahertz (THz) wave, graphite and carbon black powders were mixed respectively into KBr powder with some certain proportions, and the admixtures were pressed into tablets to measure the THz transmission spectrums using THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) from 0.2 to 1.1 THz. At the same time, the THz signal was acquired from the pure KBr powder tablet, which was prepared with same method under same condition. Then, absorption coefficients of graphite and carbon black tablets were deduced based on material parameter estimation method. The result indicates that absorption coefficients of those tablets are enhanced with the increasing frequency and they are improved with the proportions of smoke powders at the same frequency. The absorption coefficient of tablet filled with carbon black powder is greater than it of graphite tablet. The final results demonstrate that THz wave has stronger penetration capacity through graphite smoke, and carbon black is a promising jamming material for THz detection.


