
Real-time spectrum recovery for interferential infrared imaging spectrometer based on FPGA

  • 摘要: 对目标的实时探测与识别是当前干涉式红外成像光谱仪领域研究的热点问题,而光谱仪实时光谱复原是有效解决该问题的前提。利用可见光相机模拟干涉仪而得到干涉图信号,利用高速大容量FPGA芯片设计了一种干涉式红外成像光谱仪实时光谱复原系统。系统主要由干涉图数据预处理、实时光谱复原以及光谱显示等模块组成,以流水线方式运行,能够实时输出目标的光谱信息,具有运算速度快、体积小、便于算法升级等优点,为光谱仪对目标的实时探测与识别研究奠定了良好的技术基础。


    Abstract: Real-time detection and recognition of target is a hot issue in the field of interferential infrared imaging spectrometer, and the real-time spectrum recovery of the spectrometer is the prerequisite to solve the problem effectively. The interference pattern signal was obtained by using the visible light camera to simulate the interferometer, and the real-time spectrum recovery system of interferential infrared imaging spectrometer was designed by using the FPGA chip, which had high speed and large capacity. The system is mainly composed of interferogram data processing module, real-time spectrum recovery module and spectrum display module, running in line way and output the target's real-time spectrum information. It has the advantages of high speed, small size and the algorithm is easy to upgrade. The system can establish a good technical foundation for the real-time detection and recognition of the target by the spectrometer.


