
Two-dimensional narrow band multichannel micro-filter array for real-time compact multispectral fluorescent imaging

  • 摘要: 实时微型多光谱成像方法能够在零机械运动下,单次曝光同时获取目标对应于几个不同特征波段的多幅二维空间光谱图像,具有效率高、体积小、抗震等优点。具有高光密度值的二维点阵式窄带微滤片(简称微滤片)是用于活体荧光成像的实时微型多光谱荧光成像技术的核心部件。首先对微滤片进行优化设计及关键参数的确定,其次研制了既具有二维空间分辨、又有高光学密度值的微滤片。实测结果显示所研制微滤片基本周期单元具有52 m52 m空间分辨率、透过带带宽为24 nm、光密度值高达4、不同光波段通道之间图像信号串扰微弱。该二维点阵式窄带微滤片的成功研制为实时微型多光谱荧光成像技术的应用扫清了障碍,对医疗活体光学病理诊断及使用多荧光探针来探索生命过程的研究有重要意义。


    Abstract: At a single snapshot without any mechanical movement, real-time compact multispectral imaging (MSI) is capable of capturing multiple 2-dimensional (XY) images that are corresponding to different characteristic spectrums () of the target. Real-time compact MSI has desirable features including high efficiency, robust to vibration, and a small volume. A two-dimensional narrow band multichannel micro-filter array (2DNBMFA) is an essential part to apply real-time compact MSI to in-vivo optical pathological diagnostic fluorescent imaging, and ultimately result in a real-time compact multispectral fluorescent imaging technology (MSFI). Firstly, the structural pattern was designed and the important technical parameters of the 2DNBMFA were determined, which was the key element to be used in the real-time compact MSFI. Secondly, the 2DNBMFA was manufactured which had a 2-dimensional spatial resolution and a high optical density. Experimental results indicate that the developed micro-filter array has a spatial resolution of 52 m52 m, full-width at half-maximum of 24 nm, optical density of 4, weak cross-talk between different optical channels. All these suggest that the real-time compact MSFI technology is technically feasible, which has the potential to capture the 2-dimensinal distribution of multiple fluorescent probes at any instant time. The real-time compact MSFI, if successfully be developed, would have great significance in medical in-vivo diagnostic imaging and in biological research area where it is hot to use multiple fluorescent probes as biological markers for a better understanding of various life processes.


