
Laser resonator of novel configuration applicable to efficient electro-optical countermeasure

  • 摘要: 光电设备具备的猫眼效应可以将入射的光线沿原路反射,基于这一现象,可以将该光学系统作为激光器的一个腔镜构成激光谐振腔。文中计算了猫眼效应光学系统作为激光器腔镜的等效反射率。实验中用灯泵Nd:YAG激光器,角锥棱镜和猫眼光学系统搭建了免调激光谐振腔,获得了激光振荡,激光起振的同时,在猫眼光学系统焦平面不同材质介质上留下烧痕。这种将对方光学系统作为激光器的腔镜,激光起振即摧毁的构成,可应用于光电对抗之中实现高效对抗。


    Abstract: Based on the phenomena that electro-optical devices with cat eye effect can reflect input light beam exactly back along the direction the beam incidents, a resonator of novel configuration was formed by utilizing the cat eye system as an equivalent resonant mirror of laser. The equivalent reflectivity of cat eye system was defined to describe the ability of reflecting input light exactly backward. Laser oscillation was achieved by pumping a Nd:YAG rod located between a corner cube prism and a cat eye system. These properties make it possible to be applied in electro-optical countermeasures.


