In order to solve the shortcomings of the nighttime auxiliary driving plane display and obtain rich 3D layering under reasonable benefit, based on the parallel infrared binocular night vision system, the minimum resolution distance of the infrared binocular system and the human eye stereoscopic perception was analyzed. Combined with the mechanism of stereo-perception of the human eye and the condition of viewing the 3D image with large angle of view and rich 3D layering from the image hierarchy, the parameters of the infrared binocular stereo system were deduced. Finally, according to the results of the derivation, the reasonable benefit of the horizontal pixels corresponding to three different specifications display was calculated and analyzed, and five sets of infrared images with different horizontal pixels were selected for experimental verification. The results show that the infrared night vision system based on the results of the derivation not only allows the observer to obtain a larger field of view, but also takes effect.