
Technology of line-of-sight rate estimation using STCKF for strapdown seeker

  • 摘要: 传统的平台导引头可以通过物理跟踪回路直接提取导弹制导所需的视线角速度信息,采用全捷联结构后,导引头失去了直接测量视线角速度的能力,视线角速度需要通过数字计算的方法来提取。针对全捷联导引头精确制导技术工程应用中的问题,首先给出了视线角速度提取方案,推导得到视线角速度估计模型,鉴于估计模型的强非线性,采用强跟踪容积卡尔曼滤波算法对视线角速度进行估计。结合小型空面导弹的典型使用条件,通过弹道仿真对视线角速度估计算法的有效性进行了验证。仿真试验表明:导引头在末制导段捕获目标后,能迅速消除滤波初始误差,准确跟踪真实的弹目视线角和视线角速度变化。为验证将滤波输出作为制导信息的可行性,考虑激光半主动全捷联导引头的典型干扰,用蒙特卡洛打靶方法对导弹制导精度进行了考核,1 000次打靶结果显示,对静止目标的制导精度为0.58 m(CEP),对运动目标的制导精度为0.84 m(CEP),满足精确制导武器的制导精度要求。


    Abstract: Traditional platform seeker can directly obtain the LOS rate by its physical tracking loop, while the strapdown seeker cannot. Losing the ability to directly measure the LOS rate, the strapdown seeker need digital calculation methods to obtain the LOS rate. To solve the problem, the LOS rate estimation model was established. Considering the strong nonlinearity of the estimation model, the strong track cubature Kalman filter(STCKF) was used for the LOS rate estimation. Based on the typical launch conditions of small air-to-surface missile, the trajectory simulation was done to verify the validity of the estimation algorithm. Simulation results showed that, after capturing the target during terminal phase, the seeker can quickly eliminate filter initial error and accurately track the real LOS angles and LOS rates. To verify the feasibility of the filter output as guidance information, Monte Carlo method was used under typical random disturbances of missiles with semi-active laser strapdown seeker. The results of 1 000 shooting show that the guidance precision to stationary target is 0.58 m(CEP), and to move target is 0.84 m(CEP), which meet the accuracy requirements of precision guided weapons.


