
All optical modulation of whispering-gallery-mode optical micro-cavities with Raman gain

  • 摘要: 基于光通信系统对于全光调制和全光开关等的需求,从理论上和实验上研究了拉曼增益对回音壁模式光学微腔系统共振模式的全光调制。理论分析表明,拉曼增益能够补偿回音壁模式光学微腔系统的损耗,进而改变微腔系统的耦合机制,在不对微腔系统做任何机械性移动的前提下实现对系统共振透射率的连续调制。实验中采用光纤锥耦合的二氧化硅微芯圆环腔,利用560W的低功率泵浦光引发的拉曼散射,波长为1 545.7 nm的信号光实现了13.5 dB的调制度,使得系统的耦合机制由欠耦合转化为临界耦合。


    Abstract: Based on the high demand for all optical control and all optical switches in optical communication network, the Raman gain induced resonance control of whispering-gallery-mode optical micro-cavities was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical analysis shows that Raman gain can compensate cavity loss and change the coupling regime of micro-cavities system. As a result on-resonance transmission in the micro-cavities system can be controlled without any mechanical movement. In experiment fiber taper coupled silica micro-toroid system was studied. Raman gain was pumped with an ultra-low pump power of 560W, with this Raman gain the fiber taper coupled micro-cavity system was turned from deep under coupling regime to critical coupling regime and the on-resonance transmission of the 1 545.7 nm signal light was turned down by 13.5 dB.


