
Slope and curvature signal extraction algorithm based on subaperture wavefront amplitude modulation

  • 摘要: 斜率和曲率混合型波前传感技术将子孔径内波前的一阶和二阶导数信息全部利用起来,能够实现高阶像差的精密测量,是区域型波前传感技术的一个重要发展方向。在利用子孔径波前振幅调制的斜率和曲率混合型波前传感器的基础上,提出了一种基于质心探测的斜率和曲率信号提取算法,实现各个子孔径内待测波前斜率、拉普拉斯曲率以及扭转曲率的直接测量。仿真结果表明,在理想条件下,单一子孔径内斜率和曲率信号的检测精度均在0.02(=632.8 nm)以内;噪声水平小于10%时,斜率和曲率信号的检测精度均在0.08以内。该算法具有较高的检测精度及良好的抗噪性。


    Abstract: The slope and curvature hybrid wavefront sensing technique can realize the precision measurement of high-order aberration by using all the first and second derivative information of the wavefront in the subaperture. And it is an important development direction of zonal wavefront sensing technology. Based on the slope and curvature hybrid wavefront sensor used subaperture amplitude modulation, a slope and curvature signal extraction algorithm was proposed. The centroid detection algorithm was utilized to realize the direct measurement of wavefront slope, Laplacian curvature and twist curvature in each subaperture. The simulation results show that the detection accuracy of the slope and curvature signals are all within 0.02(=632.8 nm) under the ideal condition. In the case where the noise level is less than 10%, the detection accuracy of the slope and curvature signals are all within 0.08. The algorithm has high detection precision and good noise immunity.


