陈杉杉, 张合, 徐孝彬. 脉冲激光周向探测地面目标捕获建模与仿真[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2018, 47(2): 206001-0206001(11). DOI: 10.3788/IRLA201847.0206001
引用本文: 陈杉杉, 张合, 徐孝彬. 脉冲激光周向探测地面目标捕获建模与仿真[J]. 红外与激光工程, 2018, 47(2): 206001-0206001(11). DOI: 10.3788/IRLA201847.0206001
Chen Shanshan, Zhang He, Xu Xiaobin. Modeling and simulation of acquisition for ground target by pulsed laser circular-viewing detection[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2018, 47(2): 206001-0206001(11). DOI: 10.3788/IRLA201847.0206001
Citation: Chen Shanshan, Zhang He, Xu Xiaobin. Modeling and simulation of acquisition for ground target by pulsed laser circular-viewing detection[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2018, 47(2): 206001-0206001(11). DOI: 10.3788/IRLA201847.0206001


Modeling and simulation of acquisition for ground target by pulsed laser circular-viewing detection

  • 摘要: 针对对地攻击火箭弹单发毁伤概率低的问题,设计了一种激光周向探测系统,旨在提高对地攻击火箭弹的目标捕获概率。推导了平面目标脉冲激光回波波形的解析式及最小可探测光功率,并结合对地攻击火箭弹的末端弹道特性,建立了激光周向探测系统的弹目交会模型。运用蒙特卡罗算法仿真分析了对地攻击火箭弹采用不同探测系统时目标捕获概率随脉冲激光重复频率和扫描转速的变化规律,探讨了弹速和命中精度对于目标捕获概率的影响,获得最佳激光重复频率与扫描转速。仿真结果表明:当脉冲激光重复频率为5 kHz,扫描转速为10000r/min时能实现目标的有效捕获;采用激光周向探测系统能有效提高目标捕获概率,提升单发毁伤效能,为激光周向探测系统在对地攻击火箭弹上的应用提供了理论依据。


    Abstract: Aiming at improving the damage probability of ground attack rocket effectively, the laser circular-viewing detection system was adopted to capture the target credibly. Computational formulas for the laser echo and the minimal detectable optical power were proposed to establish the model of the missile-target encounter based on the terminal trajectory characteristics of ground attack rocket. The change regulation of laser repetition frequency and motor scanning speed on the target capture probabilities using different detection systems were analyzed by using Monte-Carlo method to select the optimal repetition frequency and scanning speed. And the effects of rocket projectile velocity and hit accuracy on target capture probabilities were discussed. The experimental results show that the damage probability of single guided rocket projectile is increased effectively by using the laser circular-viewing detection system. Meanwhile the laser repetition frequency is 5 kHz, and scanning speed is 10 000 r/min. Simulated outcome provides the basis for the application of the laser circular-viewing detection system on guided rocket projectile.


