
Review on coherent laser fuze(Invited)

  • 摘要: 激光相干探测具有灵敏度高、携带信息丰富等优势,在军事、测绘、通信等领域得到了广泛的应用,特别是在激光雷达和激光通信领域的应用发展迅速,但在激光引信领域尚没有大规模地开展。相干探测应用到激光引信是通过检测激光多普勒信号获得目标的相对速度信息,利用速度差别极大地提高激光引信抗自然环境的干扰能力。介绍了相干探测的原理及特点,详述了四种相干激光引信体制,针对典型的线性调频相干激光引信,对其工作原理及系统组成进行了介绍。目前相干探测激光引信技术尚处于起步阶段,由于该体制可以极大提升激光引信的抗干扰能力及作用距离等综合性能,具有广阔的应用前景,值得各相关研究机构进行深入研究,进而加快相干激光引信的工程化应用进程。


    Abstract: With the advantages of high sensitivity and carrying rich information, laser coherent detection technology has been used widely in military, mapping, communications and other fields. Coherent detection is developing rapidly in laser radar and laser communication applications, but it has not been carried out on a large scale in laser fuze. With coherent detection applied to laser fuze, the speed of targets can be obtained by detecting the laser Doppler signals, and the anti-interference ability of natural environment can be improved greatly by using the velocity difference between the target and the interference. A brief introduction of the principle and the characteristics of coherent detection was given, and then four kinds of coherent laser fuze system, the principle and system composition of a typical linear frequency modulation coherent laser fuze were discussed in detail. At present, coherent laser fuze was still in its infancy, which enhanced the system capabilities obviously and had a broad application prospects, and it deserved further study by relevant research institutes for expediting the engineering application process of coherent laser fuze.


