Holographic printing technique can achieve a true three-dimensional display of the scene well. Based on different sources and different recording methods of interference patterns, holographic printing techniques can be classified as synthetic holographic stereogram printing, computer-generated hologram printing, and wavefront printing. Synthetic holographic stereogram printing can't record the depth information of the three-dimensional scene accurately, so there occurs the vergence-accommodation conflicts during the reconstruction of the hologram. Computer-generated hologram printing can record and reconstruct the depth information of the scene accurately, and solve the vergence-accommodation conflicts. However, the hologram is only a thin transmission hologram which can't be reconstructed by white light. Wavefront printing can not only solve the vergence-accommodation conflicts, but also achieve a thick reflection hologram for white-light reconstruction with good observation effect. Principles of different holographic printing techniques were introduced, then research status of each technique was analyzed. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of them were discussed to illustrate their own properties.