
Design of divergence solar simulator with large irradiated surface and high uniformity

  • 摘要: 为了实现大光斑直径高均匀度太阳辐照模拟,设计了大光斑发散式太阳模拟器。根据太阳光谱分布特性选取短弧氙灯作为光源,建立光源功率计算模型;基于成像倍率和氙弧峰值点离焦量之间的关系,优化设计聚光系统和光学积分器,提高太阳模拟器的辐照均匀度;同时,结合短弧氙灯的光谱特性,建立光谱匹配模型,设计光学滤光片在不同波长的透过率。实验结果表明:设计的发散式太阳模拟器辐照面积为2 m,当工作距离为6、8、10 m时,辐照不均匀度分别优于3.33%、3.51%和4.3%,且光谱与AM1.5太阳光谱A级标准相匹配。


    Abstract: To achieve solar irradiation with large spot diameter, the divergent solar simulator with large irradiated surface was designed. The short arc xenon lamp was selected as light source based on the characteristics of solar spectrum distribution. The mathematical model for light source was built. Considering imaging ratio and peak brightness xenon arc point relative to defocus, the optical filter and condenser system was designed, the irradiate uniformity of the solar simulator was improved. At the same time, based on the spectral characteristics of short arc xenon lamp, a spectral matching model was established, the optical filter transmittance at different wavelengths was designed. Experimental results show that the divergent solar simulator has large irradiation area about 2 m, When the working distance is 6, 8, 10 m, the irradiation non-uniformity of the simulator is superior to 3.33%, 3.51% and 4.3% respectively, and the spectra match A level standard of the AM1.5 solar spectrum.


