1 550 nm宽光谱超辐射发光二极管的研制

Study of wide spectrum superluminescent diode at 1 550 nm

  • 摘要: 超辐射发光二极管因其宽光谱低抖动的光谱特点以及输出光为非相干光的特性,在光学相干层析成像技术、光处理技术等领域具有重要应用。为获得宽光谱低抖动的超辐射输出光,设计并制备了一种1 550 nm AlGaInAs多量子阱超辐射发光二极管。采取倾斜12波导并增加隔离区,结合抗反射薄膜,最终实现宽光谱输出的超辐射发光二极管,并比较了有无隔离区对器件性能的影响。实验结果表明,制得的超辐射发光二极管3 dB光谱宽度可拓宽至83 nm,光谱纹波小于0.1 dB,在200 mA工作电流下,出光功率大于1.5 mW。


    Abstract: Superluminescent diode had important applications in OCT or light processing technology because of its wide and low ripple spectrum as well as incoherent light output. To satisfy the demand of wide and low ripple spectrum, the 1 550 nm AlGaInAs multi-quantum-well superluminescent diode was designed and manufactured. In this paper, tilt waveguide(12) structure and isolation area were further adopted. Combined with the anti-reflect film, broad spectrum and low ripple superluminescent diode was obtained. Also, the influences of the isolation area on the device properties were compared. The experimental results show that the 3 dB spectral bandwidth of the superluminescent diode can reach around 83 nm with ripple as small as 0.1 dB, at the current of 200 mA, the output power is above 1.5 mW.


