
Bit error rate analysis of the spatial X-ray communication system

  • 摘要: 自X射线通信的概念被提出后,大部分研究集中在发射源、收发天线和探测器等关键器件上,而关于传输理论的研究较少。文中旨在建立X射线通信的理论模型,首先建立了X射线通信的功率传输模型和链路方程;其次建立了基于泊松噪声的X射线通信误码率模型,随后建立了X射线通信中的核心参数:通信距离,通信速率,误码率与传输功率之间的关系;最后对不同阳极高压与不同调制方式下探测器端信号光子数进行实验监测,对功率传输方程及误差模型进行验证,测试了X射线通信系统的误码率,理论与实验较为符合,OOK和4 PPM的误码率可达10-4~10-5量级,为空间X射线通信研究建立了理论基础,同时有望对空间X射线通信的工程化提供一定的参考。


    Abstract: Since the concept of X-ray communication was introduced, there is a great deal of research on the core components, such as X-ray source, receiving antenna and X-ray detectors. However, few people focus on the theoretical basis. Therefore, this paper aims at establishing a primary theoretical model of X-ray communication. At start, the power transmission process that to establish the link power equation was analysed. In addition, bit error ratio model based on Poisson distribution was established by analysing major noise sources. After that, the core parameters of X-ray communication, such as transmitting speed, communication distance, bit error ratio can be decided by a giving transmission power. Finally, in order to verify the bit error ratio model and link power equation, the signal photons of micro channel plate detector output under various X-ray anode voltage and modulations was testified. Experimental results accorded well with the theoretical analysis, OOK and 4-PPM modulation model can achieve 10-4 to 10-5 bit error ratio level. These models would improved the transmission theory and laid foundations for the application of future spatial X-ray communication to some extent.


