高功率TEA CO2激光器9R波段输出谱线

Laser spectrum in 9R band of high power TEA CO2 laser

  • 摘要: 为分析CO2激光9R波段输出谱线特性,满足激光与物质相互作用的需求,首先利用镀膜选支技术使高功率TEA CO2激光器只输出9R波段的激光。然后,通过单脉冲放电试验,利用CO2激光谱线分析仪分析9R波段CO2激光谱线的波长和谱线数量,并利用能量计分析每支谱线在单脉冲能量中所占的比例。通过改变输出镜的透过率、全反射镜的曲率半径以及工作气体的比例,分析CO2激光9R波段输出谱线在波长、数量以及能量比例方面的变化。试验结果表明,CO2激光在9R波段同时输出了多条相邻较近的谱线,并且这些谱线随激光器输出镜透过率、全反射镜曲率半径和气体比例的变化而变化。


    Abstract: In order to study characteristics of CO2 laser spectrum in 9R band and satisfy the need of laser interaction with matter, technology of coating for selecting wavelength was used firstly to make laser in 9R band output lonely from TEA CO2 laser. Then through single pulse discharge experiment, wavelength of CO2 laser and quantity of laser spectrum was analyzed by CO2 laser spectrum analyzer. Energy meter was used to measure the proportion of each laser spectrum in the single pulse energy. The changes about wavelength, quantity and energy proportion of CO2 laser spectrum in 9R band were studied by changing transmittance of output mirror, curvature radius of total reflector and proportion of working gases. Experiment results show that several adjacent CO2 laser spectrums in 9R band have been output meanwhile, and these spectrums can be changed with the change of transmittance of output mirror, curvature radius of total reflector and proportion of working gases.


