
Correlation study on boundary layer height and particulate matter concentration at Beijing in winter 2014

  • 摘要: 拉曼激光雷达已经广泛应用于大气气溶胶、大气温度和水汽的空间分布及时间演变特征测量。为了获取北京污染期间大气气溶胶边界层的特征,2014年11月~2015年1月期间在中国科学院大学雁栖湖校区利用拉曼激光雷达进行连续观测。使用梯度法处理激光雷达观测数据得到边界层高度,同时与国家环保部提供的当地颗粒物浓度数据进行对比。观测期间灰霾天共出现15天,污染天出现27天,干净天出现24天。灰霾天、污染天和干净天三种情况下的平均大气边界层高度范围分别为0.6~0.9、0.9~1.3、1~1.9 km;PM2.5的质量浓度范围分别为143~203、77~90、17~34 g/m3;PM10的质量浓度范围分别为170~271、103~153、33~78 g/m3。研究结果表明:北京地区大气边界层高度对近地面颗粒物浓度具有明显的负相关影响。干净天、污染天和灰霾天下的PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度变化率随大气边界层高度降低而依次增大。灰霾天大气边界层高度引起的PM2.5质量浓度平均变化率为-242.4 gm-3/km,约为污染天(-114.8 gm-3/km)的两倍,干净天(-77.4 gm-3/km)的三倍;灰霾天大气边界层高度引起的PM10质量浓度平均变化率为-224.2 gm-3/km,约为污染天(-117.6 gm-3/km)的两倍,干净天(-90.4 gm-3/km)的两倍。


    Abstract: Raman lidar has been designed for the measurement of vertical and temporal distribution of aerosol optical properties, atmospheric temperature and water vapor. In order to investigate characteristics of aerosol boundary layer(ABL) height in Beijing, lidar system had been installed in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences from November 2014 to January 2015. The data obtained by Raman lidar had been used to derive the ABL height based on the gradient method and the ABL height was compared with particulate matter(PM) data provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China. A total of 15 days of haze, 27 days of pollution and 24 days of clean occurred through the entire period of observation. On haze, pollution and clean days, the average heights of the ABL were 0.6-0.9, 0.9-1.3 and 1-1.9 km, respectively. And the concentrations of surface PM2.5 were 143-203, 77-90, 17-34 g/m3, the PM10 concentrations were 170-271, 103-153, 33-78 g/m3. The measurement results show the height of ABL has a negative correlation with the concentration of surface PM. The rate of PM concentration variations increase gradually with the height of ABL in clean, pollution and haze days. The rate of PM2.5 average concentration in haze days(-242.4 gm-3/km) is more than 2 times than the rate in pollution days(-114.8 gm-3/km), 3 times than the rate in clean days (-77.4 gm-3/km). The rate of PM10 average concentration in haze days(-224.2 gm-3/km) is more than 2 times than the rate in pollution (-117.6 gm-3/km) and clean days (-90.4 gm-3/km).


